Serving those who are serving in vocational ministry
CBL seeks to serve those who are preparing for vocational ministry while in seminary and those who are already in vocational ministry either in the pulpit or on the mission field.
Vocational Ministry
Often the people doing ministry arent ministered to themselves. CBL exists to do just that.
Seminary Students
While studying the Word of God and preparing for vocational ministry, we often need help living it daily.
Starr Scholarship
The Starr Scholarship Fund is named in honor of Bill and Cindy Starr, friends of CBL whose dream of counseling ministers of the gospel around the world was put on hold due to cancer.

We exist to serve the local church by providing biblical counseling and enrichment care for ministry leaders around the world.
How many people in ministry have you seen get burned out?
How many families have you seen overburdened by the weight of ministry?
Often the people doing ministry aren’t ministered to themselves.
CBL exists to do just that.
Reasons why you should seek care.
Of pastors believe that pastoral ministry affects their family negatively
Of pastors admit that pornography is a current struggle
Of pastor's spouses wish their spouse would choose another profession
Of pastor's spouses feel pressured to be something in the church that they are really not
Of pastors do not regularly pray with their spouse
Of pastors are thinking about quitting the ministry
Let us
serve you.
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