The Center for Biblical Living connects with as many ministries as possible that can be of help to the local church and to those who are serving in ministry. These ministries provide services and support to ministry leaders, pastors, missionaries, and seminary students. CBL is thankful for so many like-minded organizations that serve the church.

222 Foundation
Helping Future Christian Ministry Leaders Stay In Ministry And Flourish with Seminary Scholarships and Mentoring.
At the 222 Foundation, we know that you want to help build a healthy Church for future generations. To do that, you need a way to equip future pastors for long and fruitful ministries.
We believe God commands the church to prepare future leaders for ministry. We understand financial burdens and life’s challenges can derail a seminary student’s longevity in ministry, which is why we mobilize financial donations to provide scholarships and mentoring for qualified students.
We’ve already helped over 30 students at four different seminaries graduate and enter into ministry, and we are currently helping over 50 students complete their seminary studies.

Biblical Eldership Resources
Our vision is to promote biblical eldership for the glory of God by providing teaching, resources, training, and mentoring for current and future church leader who will implement, practice, teach, and train others in biblical eldership as the model for church leadership.

Enhance Ministries
Transformative Care and Coaching for Senior Pastors and Churches
Our Mission: To help followers of Jesus overcome Lazy River Faith through Coaching, Consulting, Cohorts, Connections and Community.
Our Vision: To see local churches, their pastors and the individuals and families within truly making a noticeable, practical Kingdom Impact on their communities, all flowing out of a heart that is intimately following Jesus.
At Enhance Ministries we offer the following services:
- Care and Coaching for Sr. Pastors
- Consulting with Churches as a whole
- “Healthy Leaders Leading Healthy, Fruitful Ministries”
- Family Mission Trips
- Marriage Conference

Grace Marriage
72% of churches lack any substantive marriage ministries
(*According to a study by Communio)
Are you experiencing the effects of not having an ongoing marriage ministry? Are couples stagnant, struggling or coming to you for crisis counseling? There is a huge ministry gap in most churches between premarital counseling and crisis care. That gap is the entire marriage. Grace Marriage helps you close that gap.
For couples, the demands of life can easily squeeze out their marriage. For church leaders, the number of couples in crisis can be overwhelming and defeating. Where there’s only premarital counseling and crisis care, couples lack the tools to grow. This ministry gap must be filled and we believe an integral role of the church is to protect and enrich marriages. When churches continually shepherd couples to intentionally invest time, energy, and creativity into their marriage, their relationship moves from stagnant to life-giving, making a generational impact. Grace Marriage equips churches to launch an ongoing pathway of marriage discipleship providing curriculum, assisting with training, promotion, and launch with ongoing support.

Retreat to a quiet place to rest and refresh.
Our purpose is to provide full-time Christian ministers and their spouses comfortable facilities for rest, refreshment, and recreation of body and soul at a location convenient to them.
We know you need to unplug and recharge. NOACH supplies spiritual and physical resources for those in ministry to experience Sabbath rest and refreshment. We provide purposeful times of spiritual renewal in comfortable facilities convenient to your schedule and location. Contact us to schedule your personal retreat.

Shepherd’s Staff
With decades of global mission’s experience and a passion to facilitate the local church to fulfill the Great Commission, Shepherd’s Staff is a tool in the hands of the local church to help extend her reach. Our vision is simple, we serve churches and their missionaries reaching for the unreached with the love of Jesus Christ.

Likewise Worship
Likewise Worship is a ministry that serves and preserves worship leaders.
41% of worship leaders considered leaving ministry last year. We’re here to reduce that number.
Being on staff at a church doesn’t always make you a healthy leader.
Healthy leaders are rested, discipled & trusted.
If a leader isn’t rested, they will burn out.
If a leader isn’t discipled, they will be forced to fake it.
If a leader isn’t trusted, their passion is stifled.
In December 2019 we started the Starr Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund helps supplement the cost of counseling appointments for pastors and missionaries who are unable to afford counseling. The Starr Scholarship Fund is named in honor of Bill and Cindy Starr, friends of CBL whose dream of counseling ministers of the gospel around the world has been put on hold due to cancer.
Bill and Cindy Starr’s Story
The Lord convicted the Starrs that they should simplify their lives and commit more of their resources to supporting gospel work in areas of the world where it is very limited and difficult. They believed the Lord wanted them to retire early and spend half of their time overseas supporting young missionary families. In order to prepare well they moved to Louisville, KY to attend Southern Seminary and study biblical counseling. After Bill’s first semester of classes in 2015, they went to Athens, Greece for six weeks and worked alongside a family who serves Persian refugees. Through this, the Starrs believed the Lord had confirmed the plans that he had laid on their heart. They began to schedule other short term trips and worked hard to finish Bill’s counseling degree. A few months later, however, Bill was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood cancer. He immediately began chemotherapy and had a stem cell transplant. One of the side effects of the transplant was that he lost the immunity he had to regular childhood diseases, so travel outside of the United States became unwise.
Through it all, the Starrs continued to trust the Lord with the desires of their heart as they served their local church, did some counseling, and mentored young families. And they waited. During this time, CBL’s founders, Tom and Robyn Scott approached Bill and Cindy about helping launch The Center for Biblical Living. The Starrs were thrilled with this opportunity and jumped into planning, administration, and counseling for CBL. However, in the midst of this busy season the Lord allowed Bill’s cancer to become active again. The Starrs had planned several trips for 2019 since Bill was now re-immunized but the relapse meant that he had to go back into aggressive treatment and have a second stem cell transplant in March of 2019. Since 2019, Bill’s journey with cancer has been long and arduous, and yet filled with the grace and sustenance of the Lord.
Bill told CBL: “During all of this the Lord has remained faithful. He has never removed from Cindy or me the desire to serve missionary/ministry families. What he has done is broaden for us the scope of how that could happen and he used CBL to confirm his hand as we continue to walk by faith and strive to live in obedience to him and for his glory.”

Online Bookstore
The Center for Biblical Living recommends the following books on discipleship, biblical counseling, spiritual formation, and marriage.
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