The Center for Biblical Living believes in partnerships. We are able to provide counseling and mentoring because of our financial and other ministry partners who are dedicated to assisting the local church and those who serve in ministry. We invite you to join us today in strengthening the church around the world through providing biblical counseling for ministry leaders.


The Center for Biblical Living relies on financial donations to support its ministry and cover counseling costs. The Center for Biblical Living is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible. Please fill out the form below to securely donate to the ministry.

For donations by check, please make the check payable to The Center for Biblical Living (or CBL) and mail to: 

The Center for Biblical Living
P.O. Box 436825
Louisville, KY 40253

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Some of our partners who have worked with us

"I have been so blessed by the counseling ministry of CBL, and I have seen it bear fruit in my relationship with the Lord and with others. My counselor helped me walk through specific trials and struggles in my life in a way that honors the Lord."

“I asked for assistance from The Center for Biblical Living because of my addiction to porn. God used CBL to help restore my marriage and my relationship with Jesus.”

“The counsel that CBL gave helped tear away at the layers of years and years of sinful behavior and consequences. I recognize that it is only by the grace and hand of God that a person’s life is changed but I am also aware that God uses people and circumstances in that process.”

"We received marriage counseling for some issues we were working through. The counseling we received was very biblical and compassionate. The counseling helped us each see our role as husband/wife. We are deeply grateful for this ministry. I believe it saved our marriage and allowed us to continue to pursue ministry. Thank you!"

"Our counselors were so helpful and faithful to point us back to the truth of God's Word. They helped us remain grounded and confront painful experiences that we wanted to avoid. We have referred back many times to the instruction they gave us and questions they asked us, and we are sincerely grateful for their care. It helped us start the process of healing and gave us tools to use to continue on. I don't think we could have pressed on or identified the areas we needed to process or grow in without the conversations we had with them."