There are various organizations who support CBL

in serving today’s ministry leaders.

To them, we want to say,

“Thank You.”

Shepherd’s Staff

With decades of global missions experience and a passion to facilitate the local church to fulfill the Great Commission, Shepherd’s Staff is a tool in the hands of the local church to help extend her reach. Our vision is simple, we serve churches and their missionaries reaching for the unreached with the love of Jesus Christ.

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) is a Baptist seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Its motto is Trained in Truth. Trusted for Truth. Southern Seminary offers gospel-centered, theologically-grounded training for ministry. CBL is pleased to partner with SBTS by providing biblical counseling and mentoring as a part of Southern’s Student Care services.

Biblical Eldership Resources

Our vision is to promote biblical eldership for the glory of God by providing teaching, resources, training, and mentoring for current and future church leader who will implement, practice, teach, and train others in biblical eldership as the model for church leadership.

222 Foundation

Our mission is to enable future Christian ministry leaders to stay
in ministry and flourish.

“I have worked closely with CBL staff members for many years and have seen for myself the rich fruit of their counsel and care for hurting people. They understand the complexities of brokenness as well as the depth of wisdom found in Scripture. You will find reliable guidance from the Center for Biblical Living.
The Center for Biblical Living will not give you simplistic answers to complex problems. Their counselors will seek to understand those complexities in order to offer wisdom from Scripture that is both relevant and deep. I have witnessed the good they’ve done in many people’s lives. “
Dr. Jeremy Pierre

Dean of the Billy Graham School, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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