CBL partners with local churches and church networks, church planting organizations, mission agencies, seminaries, and other Christian organizations to provide in-person and virtual counseling services to vocational ministers of the gospel.

Church Partnerships

Church partnerships are for churches or church networks who want to provide their pastors and church staff with access to CBL counseling and/or mentoring services. This can be proactive care for pastors or staff or who would benefit from support and encouragement or it can be biblical counseling for staff who are struggling under the weight of suffering and sin. CBL also offers sabbatical counseling and assessment packages to provide care, direction, and refreshment to pastors during their sabbaticals.


Another tool CBL provides is a ministry assessment package where ministers fill out an extensive evaluation to assess their life, relationships, and ministry and then have follow up sessions with an experienced biblical counselor. An assessment report can be sent to the church or church network. These assessments serve as wonderful tools to help ministers grow as well as enable the church or network to better understand how to care for their ministers.



Ministry Partnerships

Ministry partners provide their ministers with access to CBL counseling and/or mentoring services. This can be proactive care for new staff or those who would benefit from support and encouragement or it can be biblical counseling for staff who are struggling under the weight of suffering and sin.


CBL also provides a ministry assessment package where ministers fill out an extensive evaluation to assess their life, relationships, and ministry and then have follow up sessions with an experienced biblical counselor. An assessment report can be sent to the ministry partner. These assessments serve as wonderful tools to help ministers grow as well as enable the partner organization to better understand how to care for their ministers.



Missions Partnerships

Mission partnerships are for missions agencies who want to provide their missionaries with access to CBL counseling and/or mentoring services. This can be proactive care for missionaries who would benefit from support and encouragement or it can be biblical counseling for those who are struggling under the weight of suffering and sin. CBL provides counseling for new missionaries and those leaving the field, to help them process, adjust, and prepare for their new season. Further, CBL offers counseling and assessment packages to provide care, direction, and refreshment to missionaries on furlough.


Another tool CBL provides is a ministry assessment package where missionaries fill out an extensive evaluation to assess their life, relationships, and ministry and then have follow up sessions with an experienced biblical counselor. An assessment report can be sent to the mission organization. These assessments serve as wonderful tools to help missionaries grow as well as enable the mission organization to better understand how to care for their missionaries.



Seminary Partnerships

While studying the Word of God and preparing for vocational ministry, we often need help living it daily. CBL sees seminary partnerships as a strategic opportunity to help pastors and missionaries before they begin their ministry. By providing proactive counsel and care to future ministers who are struggling in their faith, personal life, ministry training, and relationships, we seek to help them avoid future ministry pitfalls. By God’s grace, helping ministers and ministry marriages mature before sending pastors and missionaries into the field serves the church by strengthening its future leaders.


Current Seminary Partnerships:

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary


The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) is a Baptist seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Its motto is Trained in Truth. Trusted for Truth. Southern Seminary offers gospel-centered, theologically-grounded training for ministry. CBL is pleased to partner with SBTS by providing biblical counseling and mentoring as a part of SBTS’s Student Care services.

“I have worked closely with CBL staff members for many years and have seen for myself the rich fruit of their counsel and care for hurting people. They understand the complexities of brokenness as well as the depth of wisdom found in Scripture. You will find reliable guidance from the Center for Biblical Living.

The Center for Biblical Living will not give you simplistic answers to complex problems. Their counselors will seek to understand those complexities in order to offer wisdom from Scripture that is both relevant and deep. I have witnessed the good they’ve done in many people’s lives. “

Dr. Jeremy Pierre

Dean of the Billy Graham School, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Financial Partnerships

The Center for Biblical Living serves the local church in partnership with other ministries to bring as many resources to churches, missions organizations, and seminaries as possible.  Together we can assist pastors, church staff, and missionaries to faithfully fulfill their calling and to be strong in their own faith journey.



Ministry financial partners support other small churches and ministries by enabling The Center for Biblical Living to provide biblical counseling and enrichment care to missionaries, pastors, and other Christian organization leaders who have limited resources for counseling and care.

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Some of our partners who have worked with us

"I have been so blessed by the counseling ministry of CBL, and I have seen it bear fruit in my relationship with the Lord and with others. My counselor helped me walk through specific trials and struggles in my life in a way that honors the Lord."

“I asked for assistance from The Center for Biblical Living because of my addiction to porn. God used CBL to help restore my marriage and my relationship with Jesus.”

“The counsel that CBL gave helped tear away at the layers of years and years of sinful behavior and consequences. I recognize that it is only by the grace and hand of God that a person’s life is changed but I am also aware that God uses people and circumstances in that process.”

"We received marriage counseling for some issues we were working through. The counseling we received was very biblical and compassionate. The counseling helped us each see our role as husband/wife. We are deeply grateful for this ministry. I believe it saved our marriage and allowed us to continue to pursue ministry. Thank you!"

"Our counselors were so helpful and faithful to point us back to the truth of God's Word. They helped us remain grounded and confront painful experiences that we wanted to avoid. We have referred back many times to the instruction they gave us and questions they asked us, and we are sincerely grateful for their care. It helped us start the process of healing and gave us tools to use to continue on. I don't think we could have pressed on or identified the areas we needed to process or grow in without the conversations we had with them."