While studying the Word of God and preparing for vocational ministry, we often need help living it daily (2 Peter 2:12). 


Currently, CBL provides a number of services for students at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.

Marriage Care

CBL hosts regular marriage training events called Datenight IN. Datenight IN is ministry marriage success training for couples at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary who are serious about growing in their relationship. These evenings equip couples to grow in true intimacy, connection, purpose, and to experience closeness for a lifetime. It gives couples the vision and foundation to build oneness during a life in ministry. 

Along with Datenight IN, CBL offers counseling and mentoring for married couples. 


Individual Care

Counseling — Those preparing for ministry are not immune to the problems of life. If you’re a Southern student and you’re having trouble, let us help you by pointing you to the gospel and offering practical guidance and help.

Mentoring — We know preparing for ministry can feel overwhelming. While the classroom is incredible training, it also can be helpful to meet with someone who’s a few laps ahead of you in life and ministry. We would love to grab coffee and discuss what life might look like for you in the next few years (Titus 2:1-8).


Emily A.

Emily A.

Wife of seminary student

Robyn helped me discern the will of the Lord by asking probing questions that revealed my heart issue of sin. She directed me to scripture revealing the Christ-like response to my sin. CBL showed sacrifice in serving our family, not only in counseling, but through practical means in order for us to tend to our marriage for the greater good of our family. We are forever blessed by their earnest effort to lead us in Christ.

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