Parental Thermostats
For a couple of days in January we thought our furnace or thermostat was not working properly. That led into a conversation regarding keeping the temperature of our family. That conversation was helpful for us and we thought the concept could be helpful for you, even if you’re not parents or married for that matter.
Wikipedia defines a thermostats as such:
A thermostat is a component of a control system which senses the temperature of a system so that the system’s
temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint. Another way to view parenting is, a component (parents) of a control system (family) that senses (absorbs/discerns/inquires) the needs of a system (children) so that the system’s (children) temperature (motivation/behavior) is maintained near a desired setpoint (value/belief). You might be asking, “Why all the thermostat talk here, get to the point?”
Click the link to read the entire newsletter: 03March2015
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