Can we be in November already?  Clearly we haven’t acclimated to our pace of life here in Kentucky because we continue to merge two months together for our newsletter.  We are busy as a family, and there is a definite need for us as a couple to communicate if we are going to stay on top of things.  That’s not easy.

Over these past months we are needing to discuss, within the practice of communication, the idea of being intentional and expressing expectations to each other.  We think this is essential in any relationship.  When there is a family functioning without these most often there is going to be isolation and frustration.

At a FamilyLife® Weekend to Remember® Getaway five threats are presented that marriages need to guard against.  Threat #1: difficult adjustments, threat #2: our culture’s pattern, threat #3: inevitable difficulties, threat #4: extramarital “affairs”, and threat #5: selfishness.  These threats have been presented to hundreds of thousands of people over the past 37 years.  And if couples would embrace one practice it would better equip them to defend their marriage and family from the devastation of these threats.

Click the link to read the entire newsletter: 09-10September_October2013

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